

Shh . . . Let’s pretend I’m whispering across the table as we lean over steaming coffee cups. Because, here’s the thing: I used to write in a hidden folder on my phone titled “SECRET.” God met me there, in that sacred secret space. It became hallowed ground . . . er . . . hallowed digital data? Anyway, as I crafted my thoughts into words, He crafted my heart, softening and strengthening as He saw fit. He revealed ever-unfolding layers of both the richness of the work of Jesus, and of my deep need of it. But then one day, I was startled by a quiet question planted suddenly in my mind. Who did this Secret Folder belong to, God or me? Were there stings attached? That moment sent me into all kinds of wrestling.

And all that wrestling led me here.

And somehow, you ended up here too!

So welcome. May this be a safe place to be real and raw as we plumb the depths of the gospel together. May this be a joyful place to revel, rest, and rejoice in the God who has covered us with His favor as with a shield (Ps 5:12). Most of all, may this be a place to elevate His name, treasure His word, and catapult us into worship. Not in secret, but together.

I’m glad you’re here!

By the way, are you interested in the name of the blog? You can read about it here.

About Me

Every day I wear many hats—wife, mom of boys, youth leader, teacher, homemaker—but my true identity is beloved daughter of the King. I love to read, run, hike, write, and drink good coffee. But not all at the same time.

Though I have walked with Jesus since I was a child, the last few years have included several spiritual growth spurts which have left me stunned at the glory of the character of God, breathless at the beauty of the gospel.

As you poke around my corner of the internet, join me in treasuring the gospel and the God behind it.


I would sure love to hear from you. Feel free to drop me a line and I will do my best to respond.

One More Thing

You might consider subscribing down below. Since I only moonlight as a writer, I’m viewing blogging like making dinner—aiming for well cooked over well timed, nourishing over prompt. In other words, I wont be posting on a strict schedule. I’m committed to serving up thoughtful, polished pieces that elevate the name of Jesus and celebrate the gospel, but not until they’re ready. If you subscribe, you’ll get new posts in your email and wont have to keep checking back here like my kids wondering when dinner will be ready. Speaking of that, I better go make dinner!